Summer is here with some pretty crazy high temps already peaking. Getting out on your bike still is a priority for fitness, stress release, and social connections. For some, riding in the squelching glare of the mid day sun is a deterrent to get out for your routine stress reduction ride. For those that love it, just remember to stay hydrated. And avoid heat stroke with these 10 tips to bike in the heat of summer.
Tips To Bike In The Heat
Here are 10 simple tips on riding in the heat of summer. Ways to enjoy the ride and stay comfortable. Some are pretty obvious but easily forgotten, other tips will hopefully provide you with a bit more insight.
1)Time it: ride early in the am, or in the early evening. Cooler temps are key for enjoying the ride.
2) Dress light: light colors, light material with cooling fabric, limited skin exposure to prevent burns, or wear sunscreen or UV material clothing.
3) Pack light: Pack more on your bike and less on your body.
4) Choose the trail wisely. Obviously exposed singletrack is gonna be hotter. Shaded, tree lined trails will keep you cool and out of the direct sun.
5) Sunscreen
6) Take uptight riders with a grain of salt on hot days. The hotter it is, the more aggressively and impatiently people tend to be on and off the trail.
7) WATER….to poor on yourself if overheated, and of course to drink:Bring more water bottles and put ice in your hydration pack.
8) Salty snacks: Eating salty foods helps with water absorption.
9) Now is a good time to make sure your bike is well tuned up so you aren’t working any harder than you have to.
10) Opt for a shorter super fun ride versus an epic long ride when temps are crazy high.
Hot or cold…enjoy the ride. Don’t use the weather as an excuse. Use it as an opportunity to mix up your routine and experience something different while being prepared.